Thursday, 26 December 2013

Tebrizcapi Carsisi, Erzurum

There's no gainsaying to tell the fact that Erzurum is the coldest city in Turkey. But there's no reason to not become happy. Even cause from the simple things.  Just enjoy it!
A lot of beautiful places in Erzurum. Not only about the places but also the girls too. They are so warm, kind and so humble. When i have a tour with my friends from Afghanistan, Somalia, and my beloved country Indonesia, Turkish girls are so helpful. They are not hesitate to offer some snacks or even to take our fotograph. 
In Erzurum, to be a culture that every people that have some gender will hug and kiss 3 times. Even it will happen to a man with a man. So warm and open people. It's a lovely trip. 

Masjid Lalapasha, Erzurum

This Masjid are located in the Central city of Erzurum, near the Cumhuriyet Caddesi. Not only has historical art inside but also beautiful architecture because of reconstruction in 1179. A beautiful park around the Masjid be the one of nice scereny here. This is one of beautiful and big Masjid that i have ever seen in Turkey.
Nice food and beverages in here are various. In the straight there is a Osmanli Corbasi. Corba is the one of famous soup in Turkey, and it's one of Erzurum people's favourite. Cag kebap is another great choise of main menu here. Cag kebap is one of Kebap Various that it is original from Erzurum. Very famous and beautiful taste. For one servie it is about 25-30 TL. Wow such a big number. But it deserves with the taste. So delicious !
This is my journey in Winter. Such one of the coldest city in Turkey. It almost -30 everyday. Brrrr... But we are happy!

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Pantai Parangtritis, Memang manis

Pantai Parangtritis terletak di Daerah Istimewa Jogjakarta. 3 X saya kunjungi pantai ini. Pertama kali saya ke sini sewaktu Tour Madrasah Ibtidaiyah bersama guru dan teman teman sekelas. Tidak banyak yang saya ingat, namun yang terakhir kali hanya terlintas dilarang berenang sewaktu tahun 2012. Konon, di pantai ini tidak boleh mengenakan pakaian apapun yang berwarna hijau muda. Karena kepercayaan orang Jawa dan sekitarnya. 
Saya ingat ketika tahun 2006 dititipi oleh saudara untuk membeli geplak. Saya bertanya tanya apakah itu wujudnya gerangan. Apakah saudaranya koplak hehe. Canda. Ternyata berwarna warni seperti pelangi merah kuning hijau di langit yang biru.  Terbuat dari kelapa muda yang diparut.Bulat bulat dan rasanya.. Hmm.. manis. Seperti yang nulis (dilarang protes haha)